Velpanat New Cure for Hepatitis C

Generic Hope
3 min readMar 8, 2018


Velpanat is an important drug for the cure of chronic Hepatitis C. It is manufactured by NATCO Pharma Ltd in India and the chief ingredients of this drug are Velpatasvir 100 mg and Sofosbuvir 400 mg.

If you are a patient of chronic Hepatitis C and want a cure, You can get this drug in the form of medicines in a 28 pack bottle.

Velpanat is effective for the treatment of all HCV Genotypes starting from 1,2,3,4,5,6.

The international name for this particular drug is Epclusa and it is manufactured by Gilead Sciences in the USA.

  • Before the consumption of Velpanat (Generic Epclusa), you need to know that it is a generic drug that is manufactured in India and obviously in high demand in many countries because generic Epclusa cost in India is very low as compared to the international market.
  • You need to know one important thing that price matters when it comes to the treatment of Hepatitis C because of this, a lot of medical tourism is getting attracted to the leading healthcare centres for a successful cure of Hepatitis C. In this drug, Velpatasvir has a quantity of 100gm and the quantity of Sofosbuvir is 400gm.
  • Although this is a generic version of the original drug that is manufactured by the USA, yet it has the complete potential to cure Hepatitis C from genotype 1 to 6.
  • This means that the newly designed medication offers you the complete cure provided you have the willingness to get cured by following the guidelines of a leading health care person who is well versed in the cure of Hepatitis C. Remember, by the end of the day, if you are interested in the cure of Hepatitis C, you will have to abide by the instructions of the doctor as far as the treatment schedule of 8 or 12 weeks is concerned and it all depends on the level of Hepatitis C ailment. If it is cirrhosis, then the time of the treatment can exceed for the patient.
  • One of the very important things that you have to keep in mind before the consumption of Velpanat is that the particular tablet has to be taken at the same time every day so that it can give you the best of results as far as the complete eradication of Hepatitis C from the body of the patient is concerned.

This drug has side effects that are minor and it is a big boon for the patient and besides this, the cost is 95 times cheaper than Epclusa that is manufactured by the Gilead sciences. One of the best things the patient should know after the consumption of this drug is that there is a 95 to 99% per cent chance of complete cure.

Pregnant mothers should have a consultation before consumption of this drug and should clarify about the impact on the baby.



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